JOIN US FOR BLAST OFF WITH BOOKS!: A Campaign to Provide Home Libraries to Children Living in Poverty or Affected by Recent Wildfires
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About Membership

Events at the League

Partner with the League
children in L.A. County are in
foster care
times a day a child in California is placed in foster care
people in L.A. County alone are experiencing homelessness
1M+ children & families served by the League since 1919
21,000+ youth received League services FY2023
volunteer hours generated in FY2023

It’s hard to imagine the crushing poverty that homeless, foster, and impoverished children live with every day.
Not owning your own toothbrush and not having enough to eat. They live in constant anxiety and hopelessness.
Assistance League of Los Angeles exists to bring hope and help to these children. They need our support today so they can be our future tomorrow.
As seen in
Member Volunteer Leslie
Gonzalez at Family Day
of Service

The past 100 years - our history in Los Angeles
Endorsed By
LA City Attorney Office
Hollywood Chamber
Autry Museum
City of LA
Hollywood Arts Council